My inexhaustibility

What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Having all the brilliance in the world doesn’t help if you don’t have the stubbornness to imprint your vision onto the world around you.

Youth is a lot of things- recklessness, passion, naïveté, but also opportunity, dreams, and hope. The part of youth, particularly mine, that I find especially valuable is my sheer inexhaustibility, of not knowing where to quit.

I love this element about me because sheer stubbornness alone has helped me get a lot. Better grades through force of will, tenacity, bothering teachers. Learning how to build a computer through figuring it out over the course of a month. Understanding and mastering competitive debate because I was too stupid to quit. All of these things have culminated in the belief that I can move mountains and my devotion alone can create my vision of the world.

I think about my current ventures and what I want to see from them, and I feel hopeless, not because I am discouraged, but because I don’t need it.

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