Keeping Energy High

Something I’ve always strived for is limitless energy. I’m certainly close to that ideal, as most days of mine are spent constantly trying new things, walking around, and INTENSIFYING whatever is in front of me.

Some days that ideal is farther from being attained. On very hot days, a laziness overtakes me and discourages me from thinking and physical activity.

Here are a 10 things I do to fight back.

1. Cold shower. This cools me down so my body can focus on what I’m trying to do next.

2. Caffeine. If the fuel is low, increase the fuel.

3. Methylene Blue. If the fuel isn’t burning well, figuring out how to increase the speed of fuel consumption helps.

4. Vitamin B12, D3, and Zinc. Each of these things can coordinate to improve testosterone levels.

5. Quick progressive overload. Dropping and doing some pushups or planking gets me focused and encourages me to get going

6. Meditation for 10-15 minutes. Surprisingly, this relaxes you, which in turn makes it easy for you to energize

7. Going into the shade. Overheating is a big issue in the summer. Cooling yourself down can help

8. Switching the type of activity you’re doing. Sometimes you need to just change your focus for a bit, and it can help rev your engine.

9. Drinking lots of water and electrolytes. It’s summer, you’re probably dehydrated.

10. Sleeping more. This helps for obvious reasons

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