DESTROYING Problems Mindset

I take great pleasure in finding things that suck, understanding why they suck, and realizing how I’d alter incentives to solve this problem. I imagine those slow motion videos of glass shattering as my efforts to eliminate problems takes place.

In my thoughts I am Shiva, god of destruction, set forth upon the unrighteous (problem). I am a crusader, a warrior, an explorer, a legend. This all has a cathartic element to it- I feel powerful. When I begin to see traction, I already know I’ve won.

It’s odd to me that this imagery speaks to me. I imagine myself an intellectual- someone thoughtful and elegant. It’s striking that I feel strongly that this frame helps get me into an effective mode of tackling problems.

I think this tension is largely because when assessing solutions, I try very hard to view the world objectively. Is this something that I would want to happen, or is this something that’s likely to happen? What are the realistic obstacles in my way? I notice when I get into this mode, I tend to think analytically about what I want, and whether it’s even realistic for me to achieve it at the angle I’m coming at it with.

These two attitudes when coupled should theoretically make someone a frustrating opponent, because while maybe attached to a broad class of outcomes, I see little need to approach anything a specific way. Split testing, rechecking assumptions, and changing my mind are all tools I’m able to use.

Analytical means to emotional ends.

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