Books That Better

List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Probably the most impactful book in my life has been How to Win Friends and Influence People. It started my self-development journey and largely made me into a stronger, more socially connected person. Reading this helped give me techniques and courage to pursue friendships with other people.

Another book that’s changed me is Zero to One. This book I’ve spent way too much time thinking about. How do you find something or some way of building the future is a really challenging question and one that I keep coming back to. I often wonder if my ideas will stand the test of time, but intellectual independence has mattered a lot to me, and has been fostered by it. I’ve also cold-emailed Peter like 3 times, unsuccessfully, and that’s that.

A final book that’s impacted my life is House of Leaves for the reason that it was fascinating, postmodernist, and absolutely engaging. I struggled to read this book and it felt like my Everest, keeping track of all the disparate storylines, and seeing the narrative web, trying to understand where the narrative spider was approaching from. This book felt like a magnum opus and made me think critically about what even can be made, and how you can cultify anything.

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