Summer, the pinnacle of the year

What is your favorite season of year? Why?

Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men. The concept of a cycle being an important and clear concept is deeply rooted in the human experience. Summer is the good times that create weakness in the human spirit.

But, damn are the times good. In summer, I feel limitless. I’ll be up from 6 to 2 AM, and a couple of coffees intermixed with an energy drink, and I’m back baby! I accidentally gain muscle and look jacked, get a tan, and feel a calm that is otherwise inaccessible to me. It’s easy to work, to socialize, and I relish it.

I think the reason I most like summer is I like being able to swim. I’m constantly finding rivers and since I’m close to the Long Island sound, it’s easy to make a late night rendezvous anywhere.

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