What fears have you overcome and how? For a long time, I was super scared of expressing myself socially. Between having a best friend kill himself, a socially isolated childhood, and a deadbeat dad, I was ill-equipped to make friendships. I started by intellectualizing this fear. I’m unable to function socially because I’m too smartContinue reading “SOCIAL ANXIETY NO MORE”

I deleted my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen? As of two years ago, I’ve been completely off the mainstream social media, relegating my time to YouTube and TikTok (started recently). I did it to improve my social skills. Overall, I think it’s been a complete successContinue reading “I deleted my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram”

Back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth….

Do you remember life before the internet? I’d like to tell an interesting story of how I fought pterodactyls and made my way across the Great Plains in pursuit of a better life, or maybe gold, but that’s certainly not the case. The internet came before I was born, and was popularized as I wentContinue reading “Back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth….”

What is important to have?

What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable? There is only so much time in a day, and being excellent at one thing often precludes success in other areas. It’s not as if professional basketball players work at the top of IBM. It’s not as if IBM executives make it to theContinue reading “What is important to have?”

I want to end male loneliness

What is the legacy you want to leave behind? The business I’m working on, Men Need Friends Too, aims to teach men in the internet age how to befriend other people. I think this is an important goal because a lot of social dysfunction is a result of people being unable to empathize with eachContinue reading “I want to end male loneliness”

Following Leadership, Leading Followership

Are you a leader or a follower? The dichotomy between a leader and follower is overblown. To reach greatness, it’s important to embrace both of these roles, and to know when to use both of them. Brian Tracy, a highly successful self-help entrepreneur makes the point that no one is intrinsically better than anyone else.Continue reading “Following Leadership, Leading Followership”