Write Stuff Down!

What’s one small improvement you can make in your life? Bettering yourself is the result of thousands of tiny choices. Those small choices need to be visible to you, to have sticking power. A choice in the hand is worth two in the bush. Once you decide what to do, you should write it downContinue reading “Write Stuff Down!”

Debate Coach Delivers Harsh Truth

Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life. When I was younger, I believed that because I was a strong analytical thinker, I’d be unstoppable in debate and the rest of life. My beliefs didn’t match reality. Not only was I mediocre at debate, but I was unfriendly, and aContinue reading “Debate Coach Delivers Harsh Truth”

🚨Public intellectual assessment time!🚨

What public figure do you disagree with the most? I’m not naming names. When you try to determine which public figures are credible, it’s important to understand generally how they get to conclusions, how transparent their process is, and whether their track record holds up. For instance, if it’s hard to follow a train ofContinue reading “🚨Public intellectual assessment time!🚨”

Misterwives, certainly better than sister wives.

What was the last live performance you saw? The last musician I heard live was Misterwives, a poppy indie-rock band. This was a magical performance and the energy was impeccable. The new album they have out is very catchy, and I found myself going through it and getting a little obsessed with individual songs, particularlyContinue reading “Misterwives, certainly better than sister wives.”

Self-Actualizing My Interests

What do you do to be involved in the community? One barrier that many people find to making friends is that they don’t prioritize doing things they enjoy. Typically, friendship revolving around a shared interest, especially for a man, is easier to bond over. Men, in general, are more likely to bond working on aContinue reading “Self-Actualizing My Interests”

Why I Don’t Vote 🗳️

Do you vote in political elections? Habits repeat and reinforce each other. The more one engages in an activity, the stronger they’ll hold the beliefs that correspond with that activity. The more they’ll hold the values that associate with what one does. Oftentimes doing something small can lead to cascading effects, regardless of whether it’sContinue reading “Why I Don’t Vote 🗳️”

What thoughts are holding you back?

Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often? What’s Preventing You From Achieving Your Ten Year Goals in Six Months? – Peter Thiel I love when you ask yourself questions that really push you to assess what you’re doing and where you are going. If you’re trying to getContinue reading “What thoughts are holding you back?”

The best kind of p-hacking…

When do you feel most productive? For the tongue in cheek title, I apologize. Generally, data fraud isn’t particularly helpful at allowing insights to be built. I feel most productive on days when there’s something I’ve been dreading doing that I make serious progress on early on in a given day. This allows momentum toContinue reading “The best kind of p-hacking…”

🛎️🛎️🛎️ The time ⏰ for emojis 🤪 is now! ⬆️™️

What are your favorite emojis? Surprisingly, I don’t actually enjoy Emojis too much, because I prefer to use plain text most of the time. I’ve noticed that emojis aren’t often used in copy, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. It’s probably because most consumers don’t actively use emojis, so doing so, may prevent peopleContinue reading “🛎️🛎️🛎️ The time ⏰ for emojis 🤪 is now! ⬆️™️”