Holes in Nutrition and Whole Foods

Obesity has significantly increased in North America over the last sixty years. Since 1960, obesity and overweight rates have increased from 10.4% to 42.4% as of 2018, according to cerbariatrics.com. The most fundamental reason for the increase in obesity is the increase in energy dense foods while jobs, modes of transportation, and urbanization have ledContinue reading “Holes in Nutrition and Whole Foods”

Is There A Best Allergy?

I was having a nice discussion with my girlfriend about which category of allergy is worst. For disclosure’s sake, she is both celiac and allergic to nuts. The major food allergens are as follows: milk, eggs, fish, Crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans. Generally, we both think that being allergic to wheat isContinue reading “Is There A Best Allergy?”