Paralysis Lost

Accompanying delusions of grandeur is often inaction. As one thinks in terms of the limits of one’s potential, paradoxically, they become less likely to achieve their goals.

In a sense, looking upon one’s fate is like Schrodinger’s cat, doing so alters what lies beneath the service. Instead of providing motivation, and actionable next steps, looking upon “destiny” is often overwhelming and undermines one’s motivation.

I think this can be explained by analysis paralysis, or thinking too much about how to optimize for success, rather than building the foundation on which it relies.

Success is often found in the process of improving. When I started working out for instance, it was to get stronger and look more muscular. The more time I’ve spent honing my skills, whether weightlifting, writing, or economics, the more I find success, sometimes in unexpected avenues.

Get started doing something, and maybe you’ll find the pathway to goals you don’t even know exist.

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